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Building Codes (3)

Exploring Fire-Rated Floor and Access Doors Solutions

Bridging Safety Gaps

As early as 1897, the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) has been addressing fire life and safety concerns. Currently, NFPA 80 is the standard for fire doors and other opening protectives. Chapter 16 of NFPA 80 is designated for access doors in both horizontal and vertical applications in fire-rated walls, floors, and floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assemblies (NFPA 2022). This article addresses common uses, styles and specification tips for fire-rated floor doors and access doors.  

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What's the Difference? Smoke Vent Labeling

Fire Safety Certification Differences

In the realm of fire safety, the performance and reliability of smoke vents are critical. Two of the most recognized testing and certification standards for these products are UL 793 and FM 4430. While both standards aim to ensure the effectiveness of smoke venting systems, they have distinct differences that can impact the choice of products for commercial and industrial applications. In this blog, we'll explore these variations, shedding light on the distinctions between UL 793 and FM 4430 product labeling and what it means for your fire safety strategies.

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Don't Let Title 24 Trip You Up

Beyond Accessibility: Unpacking California's Title 24 and Visually Contrasting Nosings

In the intricate world of stair treads and nosings, one often hears a lot about Title 24 and its association with brightly colored nosings embedded into concrete stairs. This design choice serves a crucial purpose, making it easier for the visually impaired to identify the leading edge of a stair tread. However, there is a common misunderstanding that California Title 24 pertains solely to the accessibility aspect of the California Building Code. In reality, Title 24 encompasses a much broader spectrum, composed of 12 distinct "Parts," including the Administrative Code, Building Code, Mechanical Code, and Fire Code, among others. In essence, Title 24 represents the comprehensive California Building Standards Code, reaching far beyond accessibility considerations.

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Specifying Fire Extinguisher Cabinets

Designing for Safety: The Right Fire Extinguisher Cabinets

Fire safety is a critical concern for every building, whether it's a commercial office space, a residential complex, or an industrial facility. In the event of a fire emergency, quick and easy access to fire extinguishers can make all the difference. To ensure both safety and aesthetics, specifying the right fire extinguisher cabinets is essential. In this article, we'll delve into the key factors to consider when specifying fire extinguisher cabinets.

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In the Details: The Size and Construction of Stair Nosings

The Critical Role of Stair Tread Nosings

Stairs, a fundamental element of architectural design, serve a practical purpose in connecting different levels of a building. While their functionality is evident, the safety and longevity of stairs often lie in the details, such as the size and construction of stair tread nosings. In this blog, we'll delve into the crucial considerations surrounding these elements, shedding light on their significance in both commercial and residential settings.

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Benefits of Hurricane-Tested Exterior Access Doors

Fortifying Your Building: The Advantages of Hurricane-Tested Exterior Access Doors

When it comes to commercial buildings, safety and resilience are paramount. The impact of hurricanes and severe weather events can be devastating, making it essential to fortify every aspect of the structure. One often overlooked component is the exterior access door. As the 2023 hurricane season is already active with the US experiencing three tropical storms and one hurricane since January, we'll explore the numerous benefits of Florida-Approved hurricane-tested commercial building exterior Access Doors products, highlighting why they're a game-changer for modern construction.

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Integrating Access Doors for Function & Design

Have you ever had the sensation of seeing a particular thing everywhere after noticing it for the first time? It often happens after you purchase a new car. You never noticed before, but now you see your car model everywhere. Much the same could be said for access doors and panels. Many of our team members, prior to working in the commercial building industry, took access doors for granted. Now, as industry professionals, they notice them in hotels, businesses, hospitals, universities, malls, and more—they’re everywhere! Even though they aren’t sexy like Renaissance architecture or beautiful like marble flooring, they are necessary components of buildings and in many cases, purposely intended to be part of a hidden design that blends seamlessly with the architecture.

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